
3 Ways To Use Tobacco In Your Sweet And Savory Dishes

Most people are familiar with tobacco as being a harmful substance that is smoked in cigarettes or cigars. While this is one use of tobacco, the tobacco leaf can actually be used as an herb when cooking. Adding tobacco to your dishes lends them a subtle smoky flavor that can be used to create some interesting flavor combinations. Here are three ways that you can utilize tobacco in your sweet and savory dishes to make them more unique in the future:

Five Ways To Make Water Go From Boring To Invigorating

Virtually everyone knows they are supposed to drink a minimum of eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day, but if you're not unaccustomed to this healthy habit, it can feel like a distasteful chore. Many people would rather drink coffee, tea, juice, and soda simply because it tastes better. Thankfully, like any habit, you will likely eventually get used to drinking water, but tap water doesn't have to be boring. Here are five ways to jazz up that plain glass of water.

3 Ways To Prepare For An Emergency Situation

An emergency situation can happen when you least expect it to occur. For instance, something can happen to the municipal water supply that leaves you with no access to safe water. The wisest thing that you can do is make sure that you are always prepared for some of the emergency situations that might come. You should prepare in a way that you will have essentials on a long-term basis in case it takes some time for the situation to be resolved.